The Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) has released a series of items pertaining to its annual regulatory fee assessment and collection process, including: (1) the 2024 Regulatory Fee Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding agency-wide regulatory fee assessment and collection; and (2) a concise Space and Earth Station Report and Order on certain regulatory fees for streamlined small satellite and In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (“ISAM”) operators stemming from the Space and Earth Station Fee Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Together, these documents reflect the Commission’s continuing efforts to revamp its methodology for assessing regulatory fees in light of the demands the rapidly evolving space industry places on the Commission, as well as significant internal reorganization to help address those challenges. The TLDR: All current and future Space Bureau regulatees will be assessed significantly higher fees in FY 2024 than in previous years. All that is left to be determined is who will be responsible for what proportion? And how much will that be? Continue Reading Space Bureau Regulatory Fees Skyrocket in FY 2024

On November 3, 2022, Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced plans to reorganize the International Bureau into a new Space Bureau and a standalone Office of International Affairs. The changes are intended to help ensure FCC resources are aligned to meet the needs of FCC licensees and regulatees by “elevat[ing] the significance of satellite programs and policy within the agency to a level that reflects the importance of the emerging space economy.” Continue Reading ALERT: FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Announces Plans to Create a Space Bureau